Chapter I : Introduction

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
In this moment, I will share the summary from the chapter 1 of the ebook I have been got, quoted it, and read it. The title of the ebook is "I Still Can't Speak English", and the author of this ebook is Jason West.

Click this link to watch my video that explaining about the e-book:

Check it out!!!
If you have studied English for some time. If you have taken lots of different classes, studied using lots of different course books, listened to lots of audio and still do not feel confident when you speak English (but desperately want to). This ebook is for you. If you use it properly it should be the last English course you ever need to use. To start building your own special English course now, just go straight to page 26 of this manual. 
English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching and learning has not changed much for decades. The majority of ESL courses are taught in the same way and millions of hardworking learners still cannot speak English. Sorry to break the news but I think that this is a huge waste of time, effort and money and that it does not have to be like this. I even found some academic research that proves that ESL doesn’t help you to speak English1, “In short, educational outcomes measured by way of dropout, failure, and low achievement on standardised tests all suggest that for some reason ESL learners do not benefit from ESL programming.” (Roessingh 2004)
A more recent piece of research called Evaluation of the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program3, carried out by the Canadian government, clearly shows that the improvement in speaking after 1000 hours in the ESL classroom is statistically the same against a control group that isn’t in school at all. So, the study showed that there was no improvement whatsoever.
If you read this manual and follow the instructions accurately and carefully you will start to become comfortable speaking English. This is not just another marketing claim, it is a fact and we can prove it with ‘before and after’ audio case studies. It is true because we all learn languages the same way and you just need to provide your brain with the right amount and type of information (i.e. understandable and interesting language) for it to begin to notice patterns that mean something to you.
To become an independent English learner you will also need to do a little bit of work but the more you do the more interesting and motivating it will become. The first three or four lessons are the hardest; that is when you learn how to learn to speak English.
Thank you for reading my summary. I hope that everyone who read this post will be interested to seek this ebook and learn it or even master it to usurp your potential to speak english fluently.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.




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